There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.” ~ William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
II. Caveat Emptor: Why Investors Need to Do Due Diligence on US Treasuries and Related Securities
III. Reports on “Unsupported Journal Voucher Adjustments” for DOD and HUD
- September 2017
- October 5, 2017
- December 11, 2017
- December 12, 2017
- June 6, 2018
- September 18, 2018
- December 12, 2018
- February 8, 2019
Table: Supporting Documentation List of $21 Trillion Unsupported Adjustments by Agency and Year
IV. U.S. Federal Finances: The Law
Monetary: Federal Reserve
Fiscal: U.S. Treasury
- The Appropriations Clause: A History of the Constitution’s (As of Yet) Underused Clause
- The U.S. Statutes Creating Modern Constitutional Financial Management and Reporting Requirements and the Government’s Failure to Follow Them
- The Black Budget: The Crossroads of (Un)Constitutional Appropriations and Reporting
- Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Policy #56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes
- National Security Exemptions and SEC Rule 10b-5
- Classification for Investors 101
V. The Missing Money Chronology
VI. Contractors, Investors & Dealers
- Top 100 U.S. Government Contractors
- Official U.S. Debt Investors
- Primary Dealers of U.S. Government Securities
- Top Broker-Dealers
VII. Missing Money: A Personal History: 1989-2019
VIII. Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff