“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution



Story DateStory LinkSourceCategoryTagMediumDate Posted
2024-11-18Pentagon Fails 7th Audit in a Row but Hopes To Pass by 2028ReasonMissing MoneyPentagonArticle2025-01-27
2020-11-17Pentagon Fails Another Audit, Will Likely Get Budget Increase From Congress AnywayReasonMissing MoneyPentagonArticle2021-01-22
2020-22-01Pentagon Racks Up $35 Trillion in Accounting Changes in One YearBloombergMissing MoneyPentagonArticle2020-22-01
2019-11-26 Interview 1497 - Catherine Austin Fitts on Where the Missing Trillions Are GoingThe Corbett ReportMissing MoneyVideo2019-11-26
2019-09-17NL Sign in 0:00 / 45:06 Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D'état The Corbett ReportMissing MoneyVideo2019-09-17
2019-06-22Catherine Austin Fitts On Darkjournalist : The Missing Money Deep State FASAB56 Revealed!DarkjournalistMissing MoneyVideo2019-06-22
2019-01-20Dr. Mark Skidmore – Deep State Cover-Up of Missing $21 Trillion Deeply Disturbing.Greg Hunter, USA WatchdogMissing MoneyVideo2019-01-20
2019-01-16Has the Government Legalized Secret Defense Spending?Rolling StoneMissing MoneyArticle2019-01-16
2019-01-09Holding U.S. Treasurys? Beware: Uncle Sam Can't Account For $21 TrillionForbesMissing MoneyArticle2019-01-09
2018-12-18The Pentagon's Missing Trillions: What You Need to KnowThe Corbett ReportMissing MoneyVideo2018-12-18
2018-12-06MSU professor shines spotlight on Pentagon’s massive accounting irregularities Michigan Public RadioMissing MoneyPodcast2018-12-06
2018-11-27Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud ExposedThe NationMissing MoneyArticle2018-11-27
2018-12-03Dr. Mark Skidmore & Catherine Austin Fitts Discuss $21 Trillion on Operation Freedom with Dr. Dave JandaOperation FreedomMissing MoneyPodcast2018-12-03
2018-11-16Amazing Facts and Figures from the Pentagon’s Failed Audit The Fiscal TimesMissing MoneyArticle2018-11-16
2018-10-14Dr. Mark Skidmore - $21 Trillion “Missing” Money Huge Implications for Dollar.Greg Hunter, USA WatchdogMissing MoneyVideo2018-10-14
2018-10-0216 $21 Trillion in Unaccounted-for Government Spending from 1998 to 2015Project CensoredMissing MoneyArticle2018-10-02
2018-09-25Catherine Austin Fitts on Darkjournalist: Missing Trillions & The Secret Space Force EconomyDarkjournalistMissing MoneyVideo2018-09-25
2018-07-21Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending?ForbesMissing MoneyArticle2018-07-21
2018-01-30$21 Trillion Heist: It’s Only Theft When You are Not Wealthy Enough to Get Away With ItThe Ghion JournalMissing MoneyArticle2018-01-30
2017-12-20Did the federal government spend $21 trillion that wasn’t authorized by Congress?Michigan Public RadioMissing MoneyArticle2017-12-20
2017-12-12Trump signs $700B defense budget into lawUPI – Defense NewsMissing MoneyArticle2017-12-12
2017-12-11MSU scholars find $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending; Defense Department to conduct first-ever auditMSU TodayMissing MoneyArticle2017-12-11
2017-12-08Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?ForbesMissing MoneyArticle2017-12-08
2017-12-07Officials Announce First DoD-Wide Audit, Call for Budget Certainty DOD NewsMissing MoneyArticle2017-12-07
2017-10-30Catherine Austin Fitts On Darkjournalist: The Missing Trillions, A Constitutional Crises!DarkjournalistMissing MoneyVideo2017-10-30
2017-10-08Landmark Federal Reserve building catches fire New York PostMissing MoneyArticle2017-10-08
2017-12-28DOD and HUD $21 Trillion Missing Money: Report & Supporting DocumentationSolari ReportMissing MoneyArticle2017-12-28
2017-09-23 2nd Quarter Wrap Up – Enforce the Constitution with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney – Now Public!Solari ReportMissing MoneyArticle2017-09-23
2017-02-25 Special Solari Report – American Suicide: Proposals for Constitutional Amendments & Convention with Edwin Vieira, Jr.Solari ReportMissing MoneyArticle2017-02-25
2017-03-20The Pentagon has never been audited. That's astonishingThe GuardianMissing MoneyArticle2017-03-20
2016-08-17The Pentagon Money Pit: $6.5 Trillion in Unaccountable Army Spending, and No DOD Audit for the Past Two DecadesThis Can't be happeningMissing MoneyArticle2016-08-17
2012-07-31NL Sign in 0:00 / 12:42 Exhaustive Study Finds Global Elite Hiding Up to $32 Trillion in Offshore Accounts Democracy NowMissing MoneyVideo2012-07-31
2006-05-23The Real Deal: The Great "Incompetency" HeistScoop MediaMissing MoneyArticle2006-05-23
2006-05-24Negroponte Can Waive SEC Rules for "National Security"Daily KosMissing MoneyArticle2006-05-24
2006-05-24Negroponte given power to waive SEC rules MarketplaceMissing MoneyArticle2006-05-24
2004-04-22Catherine Austin Fitts presents Unanswered Questions on behalf of 9/11 Citizen WatchC-SpanMissing MoneyVideo2004-04-22
2003-09-03 US Government "misplaces" trillions of dollarsAnxiety Culture Bulletin NewsMissing MoneyArticle2003-09-03
2003-05-26U.S.'s Missing $Trillions Make Mainstream At LastScoop MediaMissing MoneyArticle2003-05-26
2002-07-04Real Deal: Saving TennesseeThe Solari ReportMissing MoneyArticle2002-07-04
2002-05-22Letter To Congressman Van Hilleary (R-Tenn)The Solari ReportMissing MoneyArticle2002-05-22
2002-09-05On the Money Trail MetroActiveMissing MoneyArticle2002-09-05
2001-11-01The Myth of the Rule of LawSanders Research AssociatesMissing MoneyArticle2001-11-01
2004-04-14Treasury Checks and UnbalancesThe Solari ReportMissing MoneyArticle2004-04-14
2003-07-14Is the US Going for Broke?Insight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2003-07-14
2003-08-21‘High Risk’ Finance at the Federal Level Civic ActionsMissing MoneyArticle2003-08-21
2003-04-18HUD’s Financial Woes ContinueInsight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2003-04-18
2002-04-29Government Fails Fiscal Fitness TestInsight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2002-04-29
2002-03-04All that glitters is not goldAll That Glitters is not GoldInsight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2002-03-04
2002-03-18What Does It Take to Lose a Contract?NationMissing MoneyAticle2002-03-18
2005-11-07Cuomo leaves HUD in ShamblesInsight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2005-11-07
2005-11-07Inside HUD’s Financial FiascoInsight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2005-11-07
2005-11-07A Financial Fiasco is in the MakingInsight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2005-11-07
2005-11-08Rumsfeld Inherits Financial MessDavid IckeMissing MoneyArticle2005-11-08
2001-08-25A Total Lack of TrustInsight MagazineMissing MoneyArticle2001-08-25
2005-11-17Wasted RichesInsight MagazineMissing MoneyArticle2005-11-17
2001-12-07Bureaucrats Circle Their WagonsInsight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2001-12-07
2005-11-07Why is $59 Billion Missing from HUD?Insight on the newsMissing MoneyArticle2005-11-07
2004-05-15Auditor quits with Nasa finances in chaosBy Arindam Nag and Deborah ZabarenkoMissing MoneyArticle2004-05-15
2002-01-29The War On WasteCBS NewsMissing MoneyArticle
2003-09-28Military stashes covert millionsSt. Petersburg TimesMissing MoneyArticle2003-09-28
2003-08-21‘High Risk’ Finance at the Federal LevelInsight on the NewsMissing MoneyArticle2003-08-21
2003-05-19Pentagon Fights For (Its) FreedomCBS NewsMissing MoneyArticle2003-05-19
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2003-05-22So much for the peace dividend: Pentagon is winning the battle for a $400bn budgetThe GuardianMissing MoneyArticle2003-05-22
2003-05-18Military waste under fire / $1 trillion missing -- Bush plan targets Pentagon accountingSan Francisco ChronicleMissing MoneyArticle2003-05-18
2003-04-18HUD’s Financial Woes ContinueInsightMissing MoneyArticle2003-04-18
2002-11-01HBO The Sopranos: “Watching Too Much Television” (Scamming the Feds)Sopranos Episode 46Missing MoneyArticle2002-11-01
2002-05-29Government Fails Fiscal Fitness TestInsight on the NewsMissing MoneyArticle2002-05-29
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2023-04-10Deputy Secretary of Defense laughs off the DOD's inability to pass an audit Dylan Leclair (Twitter)Missing MoneyVideo2023-04-10
2020-08-22USA Watchdog – Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Entering into a War PeriodUSA WatchdogMissing MoneyVideo2020-08-22
2021-01-25The Financial Coup: More Missing Money & FASAB Standard 56 with Dr. Mark SkidmoreSolari.comMissing MoneyVideo2021-02-25
2020-08-13Missing Money Update with Dr. Mark SkidmoreSolari.comMissing MoneyVideo2020-08-13
2020-06-18Solari Special Report: Update on the Missing Money with Dr. Mark SkidmoreSolari.comMissing MoneyVideo2020-06-18
2022-07-19About that Missing $94.7 Trillion…NestmannMissing MoneyArticle2023-05-12
2022-07-28The BIS is finally missing some moneyGizah DeathstarMissing MoneyArticle2023-05-12
2022-12-16Our Retirements Gone? Where Did the 21 Trillion Go?The Desert ReviewMissing MoneyArticle2023-05-12
2022-08-08The Iron Bank: Is BIS Sovereign Immunity the Secret Sauce Behind the Global Coup? Part I with Patrick WoodSolari.comMissing MoneyVideo2022-08-08
2022-11-11Book Review: Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World by Adam LeborSolari.comMissing MoneyArticle2022-11-11
2023-05-08Once Trust Has Been Lost, There's No Going BackZero HedgeMissing MoneyArticle2023-05-12
2020-11-12FASAB Standard 56 and the Authority of the Director of National Intelligence to Waive SEC Financial ReportingSolari.comMissing MoneyArticle2020-11-01
2022-12-20BIS: Governors and Heads of Supervision endorse global bank prudential standard for cryptoassets and work programme of Basel CommitteeSolari.comMissing MoneyArticle2022-12-20
2022-08-15Special Solari Report: The Iron Bank: Is BIS Sovereign Immunity the Secret Sauce Behind the Global Coup? Part II with Patrick WoodSolari.comMissing MoneyVideo2022-08-15
2022-08-08Special Solari Report: The Iron Bank: Is BIS Sovereign Immunity the Secret Sauce Behind the Global Coup? Part 1 with Patrick WoodSolari.comMissing MoneyVideo2022-08-08
2022-08-03 1st Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: – Introduction – Does the BIS Owe Us $21 Trillion (Or Owe You $65,000)?Solari.comMissing MoneyArticle2022-08-03
2023-03-09 Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework Part 2 – A Powerhouse of RuincoreysdigsMissing MoneyArticle2023-03-09
2022-09-29 Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1coreysdigsMissing MoneyArticle2022-09-29
2020-06-30 Bank for International Settlements Expands North American & European HubsBIS.orgMissing MoneyArticle2020-06-30