“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution

U.S. Code

Executive Branch

Treasury Quotations

From Kelly O’Meara ~ Treasury Checks and Unbalances April 2004

Robert E. Rubin, 1997, Unauditable
“We believe that the publication of these audited statements is an important step in providing American citizens with more information about the operations of their government.”

Robert E. Rubin, 1998, Unauditable
“We believe that the publication of this financial report is an important step in providing the AMerican public with useful information about their government’s assets, liabilities and operations.”

Lawrence H. Summers, 1999, Unauditable
“We are committed to producing and reporting financial information that meets the highest standards of integrity and to provide to the American people the accountability and professionalism they expect from their government.”

Paul H. O’Neill, 2000, Unauditable
“I am committed to producing and reporting financial information that meets the highest standards of integrity and to provide the American people the accountability and professionalism that they expect from the government.”

Paul H. O’Neill, 2001, Unauditable
“I believe that the American people deserve the highest standards of accountability and professionalism from their government, and I will not rest until we achieve them.”

John W. Snow, 2002, Unauditable
“I intend to continue the commitment to producing and reporting financial information that meets the highest standards of integrity and to provide the American people the accountability and professionalism that they expect from their government

As of 2016, the US government is still unauditable.

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